confirmed vendor info page
Thank you for being a part of our 2024 Holiday Trade Show! We look forward to hosting a successful (and fun) event for everyone involved. Here are trade show details and event updates. Please take a moment to read this information to make sure you are fully informed of the event details. Once we add any additional details, we will place that notice here in our updates section and you can scroll to the appropriate section for new information.
The Trade Show will be from 4pm-7pm
Cocktails, Dinner and Entertainment from 7-9pm
Event Updates
We will put any event updates here as we have them.
11/22: Just Added - Veesion and Aon. Welcome to the Holiday Trade Show!

December 17, 2024 | 4-9pm
The Westin Chicago Northwest
location & load-in
The Alliance 2024 Holiday Trade show will be at the Westin Chicago Northwest in Itasca, IL in the Grand Ballroom.
Address: 400 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143
Load In/Set Up: Load and set up of your booth can begin no earlier than 12 pm.
Where to load in: The grand ballroom is located by the main entrance immediately to your left. You can load in from the front door with a bellman's cart if you need or there is also a side entrance that goes directly into the grand ballroom (we will provide exact details on this entrance as soon as we hear back from the hotel)
When you arrive, go to the check-in table and we will confirm your arrival and let you know where you are in the trade show room. We would like all vendors to be set up and ready to go by 3:30 pm.
Parking: There is no charge for parking at this hotel/convention center.
Overnight Accommodations: If you plan to stay overnight at this hotel, the best rates that we've found are from (Around $105). Click here to book your hotel stay for the event.
deliveries to event
This information is for anyone having product delivered directly to the hotel for the event. If you are local, you will probably be arriving with your own products, but for out-of-towners, here is the information for deliveries. Note: this is not for swag bag items or prizes that are being shipped prior to event. Those can be delivered to the address listed in swag bag section of this page.
Important: Please be sure that any product is scheduled to be delivered between December 12-17. Preferably on the day prior to the event (December 16). Deliveries that arrive before December 12 may be subject to a storage fee and this will be the responsibility of the vendor.
Shipping/Storage Fees: Any packaged less than 20 pounds will be allowed to be delivered with no extra charge to the event. However any larger packages or pallets will be subject to a handling fee from the event. This is not included in your vendor sponsorship and will need to be paid directly to the hotel before the event. Click here to see the Shipping charges from the hotel. (This is only for people shipping items directly to the event space)
Delivery Info
Westin Chicago Northwest
Attn: Alliance of 7-Eleven Franchisees 12/17 Trade Show - Grand Ballroom
400 Park Blvd, Itasca, IL 60143
swag bag items & prizes
If you are planning to send any swag bag items, branded items or prizes, please send these ASAP to the address listed below. These items can start shipping immediately but must arrive no later than November 10th. If you want to be in the swag bag, please ship out the items immediately.
How Many Swag Bags?: We will be making 75 swag bags, so please be sure to include a minimum of 75 items. If you have multiple items, great, we will use them!
What Can We Send for Swag? People love free stuff and we wanted to incentivize our franchisees to register and arrive early to get their swag bags. Swag ideas: Samples, branded items, t-shirts, koozies, bags, the possibilities are endless!
Have a Cool Prize? We'll be hosting raffles throughout our event.If you
have a prize, go ahead and ship it over and we'll make a franchisee very happy
when they win! You can also bring prizes with you to the event and just let us
know when you arrive that you have prizes for us to use.
Delivery Address
Blue Bot Advertising (Miguel Ortuno)
109 Fairfield Way, Suite 302
Bloomingdale, IL 60108
Let us know: Please email Toni or Miguel if you are
planning on sending something so we know what to expect.

Payment for booths and all sponsorships must be completed by December 10th. If you have an questions about this please contact Toni immediately to discuss further. We will be sending out invoices and also provide any paperwork (w9, etc) that you may need for payment.
pre-show promotions
Sponsors! We need this from you!
Banner Ad in our Member Emails
We are actively reaching out to our members and all Chicagoland/Ohio/Michigan franchisees to let them know about our show and your involvement. If you send us a banner ad (600 pixels wide by 100 pixels high) then we will gladly use them in event emails to franchisees and staff.
Whatsapp Mention
Let us know what you want us to mention to our franchisees on our group whatsapp page. A 1-2 sentence description of why they should come visit YOUR booth at the Holiday Trade Show! If you have an image that you want us to use with your mention, please send it (No sales sheets for these) Just an exciting image or product image and 1-2 sentences getting franchisees to come visit YOUR booth at the trade show!
prizes every hour...
We'll be giving away prizes every hour on the hour so yes... we need some amazing prizes from our vendor sponsors to give away.
Prize Packs
Amazing Branded Items (I.e. Coolers, Apparel, etc)
Gift Cards
Product Sample Sets
We're open to any ideas for prizes you may have! Send them ot the address above under the Swag Bag section or bring them with you to the event!
thank you from the alliance...
Thank you so much for being a part of our event. We look forward to working together with you to make this a successful and exciting event for you and our franchisees. We are looking to create many opportunities for all vendors (old and new) to promote your products and specials to our members and all franchisees..

Rehan Hashmi
Alliance of 7-11 Franchisees
contact us.
Want to chat with us? Contact Toni Antonetti, Rehan Hashmi, Faisal Khan or Miguel Ortuno at the Alliance of 7-Eleven Franchisees/PR Chicago and we'll gladly answer any questions that you have.
Toni Antonetti: 847.949.0097 |
Rehan Hashmi: 847.845.8477 |
Faisal Khan: 586.838.0982 |
Miguel Ortuno: 630.222.8382 |